
Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Great Day for Herbal Salad and Herbal Vinegar

It has been beautiful weather since Ike blew through on Sunday. We were out collecting the bounty in the garden this morning, including beans, tomatoes, peppers and basil since we had reports that the temps may be in the forties tonight. Basil doesn't like those temps.

It was a great day for a tomato, basil and avocado salad for lunch.

The tomato at the base of the salad is a Cherokee Purple, my favorite heirloom tomato.

It is a very beautiful and meaty tomato. Yummy!

I also thought it was a good day to make some herbal vinegar because I had some extra cinnamon basil and purple basil. I added parsley, tarragon, chives and oregano to the mix.

Sterilize a quart jar for 10 minutes with boiling water, then add your herbs and white wine vinegar or red wine vinegar. I would not use white distilled vinegar. Only use that kind of vinegar for cleaning. I also would not use apple cider vinegar either.

After putting your herbs and vinegar in the jar, put plastic over the jar in between the lid and jar. Place it on a sunny window sill for at least 2 weeks and after that I would test it periodically until you like the taste and then strain out the herbs and store in a cool, dry spot.

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Lemon Verbena Lady