
Monday, December 1, 2008

A Happy Indoor Lavender!

Just wanted to show one of several lavender that came in for the winter. This is 'Goodwin Creek' lavender or Lavandula x ginginsii. It has a beautiful gray color and it does very well in this west facing window. It is even blooming at the moment. All the snow that was outside that day is gone, but there is more on the horizon. So I'm going to enjoy the herbs growing indoors.


  1. any ideas for growing garlic?
    I use wild garlic from the roadside, its very strong, but would like to grow at home but never have much luck, any ideas please?
    Also if you're looking for a gift idea for a soul mate why not take a look at my site
    thankyou for any help

  2. Hi Julie,

    Since I don't know where you live in the U.S., I found this Twelve Steps to Growing Great Garlic at

    12. Always start with quality planting stock. Plant the biggest cloves-they yield the biggest bulbs. Eat the smaller ones!

    11. Planting in fall is best, though many have good luck with early spring planting. Full sun preferred.

    10. Garlic likes friable soil, near neutral pH, with some composted manure. Incorporate a little bone meal at planting.

    9. Plant cloves about 5-6 inches apart and 2-3 inches deep.

    8. Mulch your garlic with straw, alfalfa, leaves, etc. Don't worry if shoots emerge during winter.

    7. Keep the soil moist. Don't let it dry out, even during the winter.

    6. Garlic hates weeds!

    5. Garlic likes a few foliar feedings in spring (a combo or fish emulsion and sea kelp would be good), but do not fertilize after early June.

    4. If growing hardnecks or elephants, cutting the scapes just as they start to curl will increase bulb size (They appear in early to mid June)(You can also cook with these "tops".

    3. Harvest when the leaves on the lower third to half of the plant have largely turned brown (usually mid to late July).

    2. Be sure to cure your garlic by hanging in shady, well ventilated place for 3-4 weeks.

    1. Then, Enjoy Garlic and Enjoy Life!

    If you go to and click on Vegetables, you can find a publication called Growing Bulb Crops, along with other vegetables. We have even grown the garlic you buy in the grocery store. It is suppposed to be sprayed so that it won't grow, but it has grown fine for us.

    Favorite varieties

    Johnny's German Flavor is very good and stores well. You can buy it from Johnny's Seeds in Maine

    Temptress Flavor begins with a strong bit and then mellows. I got this one at a garlic festival.

    Chesnock Red Best purple stripe--From Russia-A top baking garlic that holds shape and retains flavor after cooking.

    There is one softneck that I have grown called

    Inchelium Red Thought to be the oldest garlic in North America-great depth of flavor-mild and lingering-good keeper.

    What I like about garlic is that there are hot, spicy or mild flavors! It is extremely easy to grow.

    Bobba-Mike's Garlic Farm in Ohio has a website They probably would be sold out at this time of year, but it is a good supplier of interesting garlic.

    The one book I would recommend is Ron L. Engeland's Growing Great Garlic published in 1991. Hope this has helped you. If this generates more questions, please ask me. I will check out your site.

    With herbal regards

    Lemon Verbena Lady


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady