
Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Think I Found a Solution for the Leaning Arbor!

The Herbal Husband and I have been chasing the feral cats out of our yard for months now. We know the way to get them is by trapping them, but then there are skunks in the neighborhood also. We had one of those in our garage for Halloween one year, but that's another story! I looked out the window while I was fixing breakfast and there was one half of the solution to my leaning arbor! Did the cat want to play with the squirrel? Was it trying to attack it? It finally gave up, climbed down and ran away. Click on the picture to enlarge it. Never a dull moment!


  1. awww i think kitty might have had larceny at heart!lol i understand about stray/feral cats! gosh i guess 3 of my cats were ones that peeps had either just moved and left or were feral in my neighborhood! i do wish all peeps would spay and neuter their pets! that cat looks pretty healthy and actually awful handsome! glad little squirrel didn't end up in trouble! we spend w-a-y too much feeding our squirrel family, but i do get such joy out of them during these long winter months! thanks for sharing the pic! hugs :)

  2. It's just a very frustrating thing. They are living under our neighbor's shed and I don't think they know it. I haven't gotten a chance to tell them.

  3. it is frustrating when there are feral kitties about. part of you feels so sorry for the little buggers and part of you wants to throttle the original cat owner for not neuter/spaying their cat. i know i have such a dilemma so many times with stray/ferals in our neighborhood. i stopped letting any of my kitties out of doors about 8 years ago when one of mine got feline leukemia. after that i started feeding squirrels and birds and i don't want any kitties in my yard to bother them! seems every spring i end up with one who just won't go away and i spend hours, days or months dealing with them! i am cat saturation level in my little hobbit house, so now i have to run ads in the paper etc. trying to find them homes. a real pain! the picture was adorable though and you were lucky to catch the moment like that. also, as you say, good idea to fix the lean!lol big big hugs to you:)

  4. I thought it was original at the time! The irony of this entire event is that I'm allergic to cats! So this is the only way I enjoy them! I was lucky to get that photo. Its little tail was wagging back and forth to keep its balance on the leaning arbor. I wish I had video of the experience. Maybe next time. Thanks for your comments. A hug for you and your kitties. Achoo! ;-}

  5. oh you poor thing being allergic! good heavens that tears apart any little fantasy of you and i actually being able to share a pot of tea at my house!lol the fur really flies around here!lol i have 8 of these little critters! and no, i am not a "collector" just a cat magnet! and every single one of mine were stray/abandoned kitties except violet joy, who was a true feral! she was soooo skittish it took me a month of her dancing on my porch, meowing plainively to be fed and petted, but dancing away from me, before i could put a finger on her!lol now she is a little true joy wanting petted and loved all the time! oh well, if you do ever find yourself in my neck of the woods we can have tea in the garden!lol just caught sight of the pic of your garden gate and am in LOVE with it! great big thursday morning hugs and hope the sun is shining in your garden today! :)

  6. The sun doesn't shine here much, but it is warm relative to it being February! LOL! Thanks for the invite and you never know I may get there some day. The invite is always open here and you can come inside my cottage! Our garden is a little wild in the season! Neighbors think we are a little crazy! Take care and thanks for following my blog! It's so much fun to have people from all over the world reading my thoughts! ;-}


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Lemon Verbena Lady