
Friday, February 27, 2009

Spring is Around the Corner...Well Almost!

I was out poking around and found these daffodils that we transplanted last year coming up from the leaves! We are having a brief warm up so I felt compelled to change my home page to a more optimistic one! Thoughts of spring are creeping into my head, but WAIT there is more snow coming this weekend! Yikes! When will it end. The good and bad news from that is that we seem to have had a lot of snow, but in reality it is around 30 inches. Nothing really at all! We love reality! Hope you are enjoying the weather where you are!


  1. we have more snow in the forecast also. been seeing bits of green here and there in the garden but have refrained from clearing any of the old leaf litter so the little plants would still have some insulation. our days are a bit warmer, but some heavy rains with the warmth and still in the teens at nite. you are right though, spring is coming! yipee! hugs!:)

  2. They have scaled back our snow! Whoo Hoo! Have started counting the days until spring. Take care. A big hug for you and your kitties too! ;-}

  3. hugged all the kitties for you dear!lol we didn't get the snow they forcasted either! yipee! although, it was still very cold, but, the sun was out! big monday hugs to you:)

  4. Thanks for your hugs. They will warm us up!


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Lemon Verbena Lady