
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Favorite Spring Passalongs!

The plant above I think is a perennial forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla). It was dug up for me in Ohio when I went for an herb buying trip many years ago. It has self-sowed around the front garden in a good way! The plant below is Japanese kerria (Kerria japonica) and was given a piece by my neighbor and herbal companion. It got a good chewing by a rabbit its first year. Then we caged it and it has survived by our picket fence. It does sucker, but it has beautiful green stems in the spring and these beautiful single flowers. It brightens the cloudy spring days! It was another hot one in the 'Burgh! 88 on the thermometer! Hope you had a great Sunday where you are!

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Lemon Verbena Lady