
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mowing of the Grasses!

Yesterday morning was a beautiful time for the mowing of the grasses. This year I came to my senses and we borrowed our neighbor's hedge clippers. It went soooo much better! I knew about this, but every year HAND CLIPPED them! What was I thinking!!!! I wasn't!
By early afternoon, it looked like this and by later in the day this!I think we are going to invest in our own clippers for next season. It is the only way to take care of this gardening job.


  1. i love your grasses! glad you found an easier way to deal with your yearly chore!:)

  2. It was sort of a DUH moment! Wish I had come up with it sooner. Talk to you soon. Thanks as always for your positive comments. :>}


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Lemon Verbena Lady