
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Local Plant Sales

May is the greatest month in the spring! Why you may ask? Because of the all the local plant sales. We don't get to every one! We do always get to the local garden club's annual sale in the neighborhood. It is always the first weekend in May. The Herbal Husband was ready to roll. I'm not a great morning person so I was a little grumpy. When I saw all of the new mostly herbal babies, I was happy! My master gardening friend always laughs because I buy herbs mostly from her yard! She has good taste! We got a rosemary, Robers lemon rose scented geranium, a silver mint, a couple of Helen Von Stein lambs ears (They are the homes for ladybugs in the winter! I knew those girls are smart bugs!) and a wild geranium (in keeping with our out of control garden)! So you know what I'm going to say next. Go to your local plant sales so that it benefits you and your community!


  1. our master gardeners hold an annual plant sale, which i missed this year! it was the same day as the wedding we just had:( no biggie really as i am just had not had time to be ready for new plant additions anyway. you are right though,if people just watch their local paper, most of these events are listed there and they are great fun! your new plants sound great and cool news about the lambs ear:) my bees love their flowers also:) big hugs :)

  2. The good plant sales are all bunched up together. I have quit racing around to all of them. Just go locally! I found out the lady bug info in the Mulberry Creek catalog. Always learning something new. Big hug to you.

  3. i love learning new things! it is so much fun to have made friends with you! i am going through old herb companion magazines to see what else you have written for them. saw your comments in the reader column this month!

  4. I have just found my writing interest through this blog and I'm very happy doing this and commenting when they like my comments! Don't go too far back! I'm not that old! LOL!

  5. lol i actually didn't get into all the herbal things until about 5 years ago, so my issues don't go back too far!! lol


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Lemon Verbena Lady