
Friday, May 22, 2009

Thyme in the Herb Garden!

Lots of blooming going on the herb garden including this linear leaf thyme. This was buried by a huge santolina so it is slightly skewed to one side. So I have to find other herbs to fill the spaces in this container. As you might be able to see, this container is falling apart! The Herbal Husband says he will fix it! It is always something and especially with company coming, we need to have a good herbal foundation! Hope you enjoy Memorial Day and the weekend wherever you may be! I also want to say congratulations to Jekka McVicar on winning her 14th Gold Metal at the Chelsea Flower Show this week! Hope to get to her herb farm in Bristol some day soon!


  1. hope you have a great weekend also nancy! oh i think you might have got a few herbs from the lily of the valley farm to fill in the empty spaces! lol hugs :)

  2. Yes, I think a got a few! lol! Have a great weekend too! A big hug.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady