
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

D-Day for Chives!

I have too many chives. Never thought I would say that! They do multiply not quite like lemon balm, but close! Some of the chives have been given to a new home and some are out in our front garden where there was space developed by The Herbal Husband. He has separation anxiety! Well, I'm taking a break today, but tomorrow or Friday, I will be working to get them down to a reasonable number.


  1. Your herb garden looks great and I'm looking forward to exploring your blog. What a lovely photo in your header.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I have two gardening groups coming this year so I want it to look extra special! Of course, just when you need that mature plants need to be replaced! Always the way. Hope you enjoy what you're reading. I love doing it!

  3. it does take a bit until the spot where you have had to divide mature plants looks quite right again isn't it? had to laugh about your hubby! the kids call chives hot grass and graze on it constantly so hopefully they will keep it under control!lol enjoy your break! hugs :)

  4. He is on a mission to save EVERY PLANT! At the moment he is succeeding! Keep those kids grazing! LOL! Hugs to you ;>}

  5. that is too cute about the herbal hubby! i am busting out of the seems in daylilies right now and hoping to offload a few to my daughter and brother. they both need some more plants. we have had such wonderful rains this year things are really spreading and growing! your gardens are looking fabulous nancy! hugs always:)

  6. Thanks Leslie! Hugs to you as well!


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Lemon Verbena Lady