
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Is There A Heaven For Chives?

Well, if you saw my home page and this photo, you will notice that the chives are mostly gone! The Herbal Husband said in the end it needed to be done! He went upstairs while I was working trying to get them all out! I thought he was upset. I guess he just needed a siesta and really wanted me to do the work instead of him. Well, even though we are getting company soon hopefully the new plants will have a jump start and fill in the spaces! I need your positive energy! Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. lol! i am sure your new planting will fill in nicely by july! wow, it does look rather desolate now doesn't it!? lol i am sure there is a heaven for chives, right in my freezer if i couldn't use it all right away!lol big hugs and have a great weekend, maybe your own siesta!!! herbal hugs :)

  2. I already have some chives in the freezer! Herbal hugs to you. ;>}


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Lemon Verbena Lady