
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Harvesting Garlic!

We had to start harvesting our garlic because of the rainy weather we are having. It is important to have a little green when they are pulled because the bulb can start to split and the cloves separate. I have wanted to pull the rest of the bulbs because it continues to rain, but The Herbal Husband is reluctant to do it! We are also ready for the garden tour tomorrow morning. It is supposed to rain heavily tonight and then clear up some time in the morning. I hope the harvesting of your crops is going well. Talk to you later.


  1. is this the tour of your garden that we spoke of earlier this year? if so, i do hope it goes well and the weather is pretty for it!!;) i have never grown garlic, so love hearing about yours:) so far we have got a few tomatoes and strawberries and a couple of blueberries, eggplant, purslane, swiss chard. got about 2 1/2 gallons of black raspberries frozen, which is good for this small yard. lots of herbals harvested and some dried, others used other ways. a few failures, of course! been a wet, cool year. good for some things and not so good for others. but... anytime is a good time in a garden!!! going to start some honey harvesting soon. thinking to do a few herbal infused honeys :) will keep you posted! big hugs to you and herbal hubby :)

  2. Thanks Leslie. Yes, you can think of me and the Herbal Hubby after 2:00 PM Eastern. I think 1:00 PM for you. It will be over! We are both excited and we were supposed to have strong thunderstorms tonight that haven't materialized! Thank God! It has been rainy and the flowers have been blooming for us, but may be not so much tomorrow. That's why I love my herb garden with all of the leaf textures. You don't necessarily have to have flowers. Garlic is very easy to grow. You can even plant the supermarket kind. It is supposed to have some kind of suppressant so it won't grow, but it does! I'm way behind because of these groups being here. I'm focusing on overall appearance. Hopefully, next week I can get back to harvesting and making some herbal items. Thanks for your hugs! To you as well!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady