
Friday, July 17, 2009

Tie Up a Loose End!

Well, Leslie from Comfrey Cottages here is your kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix). It was literally down to one leaf. The Herbal Husband brought it back from the dead. Would not eat this leaf. It is similar to the bay laurel. It is very fiberous and is tough to chew! Really hope the weather forecast is dead wrong tonight! Start praying! Off to help get set up for the master gardeners! Talk to you later!


  1. thanks for posting the pic and info nancy! :) does this plant overwinter in your area, or do you need to take it inside? it is impossible for me to overwinter things as i don't have a spot, what with the kitties and also i live in a hobbit house!lol
    hugs to you and herbal hubby the plant savior also!!

  2. Yes, unfortunately Leslie it does have to overwinter inside! I also have a hobbit house with lots of stuff not kitties though! The Herbal Husband found a kitten on our front walk this morning! So I guess we have outside kitties! LOL! Thanks as always for your interest in my blog. A big hug for you, your hubby, the kids and your kitties (a very long distance one for them)!


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Lemon Verbena Lady