
Friday, August 7, 2009

Celebrating a Year of Blogging!--Herbal Giveaway to USA Readers!!

A year has gone by and we had to bring out the noise makers to celebrate blogging about our wacky lives! I was inspired to start this journey from reading the blog by two of my favorite sisters (we aren't related) from The Rosemary House and Sweet Remembrances in Mechanicsburg, PA. They have a wonderful blog called Rosemary's Sampler. The Herbal Husband and I want to thank you for reading and commenting on our journey through our travels and gardens and day to day lives.

So to thank you we are going to give you a chance to win herbal napkins. For our USA readers, you have the chance to win a pack of 20 herbal luncheon (6-1/2" x 6-1/2") paper napkins. All you have to do is leave a comment with your contact e-mail information and USA in your comment. One comment per e-mail address please. You will have until Friday, August 14th at Midnight Eastern Daylight Time to enter. The winners will be announced after 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time on Friday, August 14th. Here are the napkins. Good Luck!


  1. oh congratulations on your anniversary nancy! :) the napkins are sweet! i love things with herbal motifs (duh!) i have to thnak you both for hosting my fav blog! big herbal hugs :)

  2. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I really enjoy your posts.

    Thank you for entering me in your USA drawing and I'm looking forward to another year!

  3. Hello from parched Arizona, USA.; congratulations on keeping up a blog for a whole year!
    Yes, a dog becomes a member of the family like cats don't. We are owned by eleven cats. Zoƫ was a very special husky.

  4. Happy Blogiversary!! Celebrating with you on this very special occasion. On another note, my Japanese penpal, writing since we've been 13 y/o(!)(40 plus years!!) is coming to the USA in September! I'd be happy to serve her a tomatoe sandwich accompanied with these lovely herbal napkins (don't think I can do the peanut butter part though!).


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady