
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine!

This is my favorite herb in the world and I am sharing my story with readers of The Herb Companion magazine. Here is a link. Hope you enjoy it!


  1. wonderful article nancy! nice recipes and growing tips with history also! another superb job dear!! :) like your kitchen curtains and the tiles i can see;)

  2. Thanks Leslie! The curtains are from Target and the tiles The Herbal Husband found somewhere, flea market or maybe Home Depot in the leftover bin! The kitchen needs to be nuked! It is so old. Every appliance still works and in this house until it quits, we don't replace it. I need (I mean the kitchen needs)a makeover desperately! Hope you and the kids are enjoying the last days of freedom!

  3. well i think i would be comfortable with your kitchen dear! my home is hobbit size and also an older home. seems there is always a big list of things that need repaired, redone, etc etc. but my hubby raises raising pigeons, does boat repairs, fishes some and wildfowl hunts, so i am afraid we just do what we do to get by on the house sometimes!lol who am i to judge,when i used to be ocd on cleaning years ago, and now... catch as catch can (within reason) lol herbs, gardens, kids, bees, family and friends are much more interesting!!lol big herbal and honey hugs to you both:)

  4. Let's not discuss cleaning! LOL! I have never been OCD about that! LOL! A big herbal hug to all of you. ;>}

  5. One of our customers said that the tea made with the leaves was very calming. Is this true? I loved your article!

  6. Thanks Cindy! Yes, The Herbal Husband and I have a lot of lemon verbena for tea. He says it's calming. I just enjoy the clean lemon flavor.

  7. I really enjoyed your article. My grandmother used to have a lemon verbena cologne/splash that I loved to spritz myself with. Such a wonderful scent.

    The only problem I found with your article was that your bread recipe & photo made my stomach start rumbling and my mouth start watering! Yummy, I'm looking forward to trying that out..

  8. Thanks for stopping by Jules. Hope you enjoy the bread recipe soon!

  9. How could I NOT comment about lemon verbena? Looking forward to reading your article.

    When I had my herb shop Heart's Ease I used to screen customers before letting them buy one of my beloved lemon verbena plants. Then I would spend 10 minutes explaining how to care for them and bemoaning the fact that I was selling one of my babies.

    I love all the herbs, but lemon verbenas are my heart throbs. Two of mine, Heathcliff and Katherine, have lived in one big pot for 39 years. They are family.

    Herbal blessings, Sharon Lovejoy

  10. Very informative article on one of my favorite herbs. I love all plants lemony, but will admit that Scarlet made me buy my first verbena!

  11. Oh, Sharon, I visited your shop, Heart Ease's before you sold it. You unfortunately had traveled to Sweden the night before so I never got a chance to meet you. I will never forget your lemon verbena tree! It was beautiful. Your whole garden there was an inspiration for our garden here. Thank you so much for your comment!

    JAS, I also have been in love with the flavor of lemon my whole life. I used to visit my aunt and uncle's store and there was a drugstore next door with a lunch counter. I remember vividly getting lemon cokes there! I never could find them anywhere else! As a high school girl, I went to see "Gone with the Wind" in Pittsburgh with my friends. So when I saw the story of Scarlet's mom and lemon verbena, I had to add it. Thanks for stopping by.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady