
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Favorite Climbing Rose!

I don't grow roses very well. Yet I still keep trying! This one is the Everblooming Cecile Brunner. It blooms from early summer through until frost. Most years it is neglected. This year some attention has been paid to it because of the groups we had touring. It is such a delicate flower but a real work horse of my garden. I wouldn't be without it! Don't forget to enter our contests! Check the August 7, 2009 posts!


  1. I've heard a lot about this rose -- it may have to be planted in Linderhof's gardennext summer.

  2. gorgeous! i am going to try and find a spot for a rose or two next year! this workhorse might fit the bill if it doens't mind neglect!lol does it have hips in the fall? big herbal hugs to you honey

  3. It is a beautiful little rose ladies. Doesn't take up much space and unfortunately doesn't have hips!

  4. P.S. to Martha and Comfrey Cottages,
    The flowers make excellent cake and cupcake decorations because roses are edible flowers as long as you don't use chemicals on them.


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Lemon Verbena Lady