
Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Blooming Irish Rose!

I'm truly amazed that this rose is still blooming!  It's a good thing, but still amazing.  This is a climbing rose called 'Dublin Bay'.  Sometimes plants bloom despite what you do, don't they?  We moved this late in the season last year and it is getting crowded out again, yet it is still beautiful!   Quit complaining, will you?  Yes, I will!  Hope it is dry where you are.  It is very wet here!  


  1. awww so pretty! wet here too! seems like we have mostly been wet here this year. lots of second flushes of blooms on things, which is nice, but dismal failures of other things! at least the cooler temps have been nice:) hugs to you nancy

  2. I am going to work on my rose growing next year. Look out! Thanks as always for stopping by, Leslie! A big rosy hug for you!


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