
Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Love This Time of Year!

The plant in this post is probably the green fig.  We have several.  One that has green figs, one that has no figs because it is a young plant and one that has brown figs.  I really love the brown fig.  I didn't really like figs until we started growing them.  I loved Fig Newton cookies as a child, but fresh figs are even better!  We have great success with figs in containers.  We tried burying the one that is in the ground, but it always comes back from the roots!  It is just too much work!  This fig was just delicious and sweet.   A great combination!  Off to make raspberry jam!  Talk to you later.


  1. I've only ever had the figs that come in boxes all sticking together! Used to be a special Christmas-time treat.


  2. Oh, Alan, you haven't lived until you have had a fresh fig! You have to find some in Arizona somewhere! A farmer's market has to have them! Thanks for stopping by. I need to read what you have been writing! Hopefully I will have some time soon!

  3. I had fresh California figs years and years ago. My cousin had a tree. They were so delicious. This year I had some from Costco. What a disappointment! Their produce is usually great. I guess you just can't package and ship figs and expect them to taste fresh. Too bad for those of us that live in a non fig state.

  4. Yes, it is definitely not the same. The fig in containers works really well for us. Although it gets difficult this time of year moving them in and out because our temperatures are going down! They have already started to lose their leaves. Just so they don't start losing their figs before they get ripe!


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Lemon Verbena Lady