
Friday, October 16, 2009

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine!

This is usually a place of action in the garden.  This is pineapple sage (Salvia elegans).  A beautiful plant in late summer/early fall.  We are supposed to be in the 20s over the weekend.  The end is near.  It has not been overworked by the hummingbirds this season.  They got tired of the cooler weather and went to Mexico early!  Can't blame the darlings.  I think if we had a feeder, we would have had more interest.  The Herbal Husband loves flowers to attract the hummers.  He has enough feeders to worry about!  So here is my post for The Herb Companion magazine.  Hope you enjoy it!


  1. i loved that article dear. i love hummers too!

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment on the Herb Companion website. It got the ball rolling! You're the best, Leslie!

  3. awww nancy you are the best! i feel bad i am not checking in here in a timely manner lately but i joined herbmentor and have been trying to spend any puter time studying there. having a blast there as a wealth of information all gathered in one spot for those of us interest in the medicinal properties of herbs.
    i adore your blog nancy and thank YOU for sharing so much with us:) big herbal and honey hugs always to youxoxox

  4. You are really into the medicinal side and some day I may be also. It is just so much fun to meet all kinds of great people when you blog especially herbal people. Thanks for sharing when you can! I always love your comments! xxxooo


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Lemon Verbena Lady