
Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Christmas Cactus Says "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Once again our Christmas cactus is confused and blooming early!  Natural decor for the Thanksgiving table!  Such a beautiful bloom!  Can I get one more exclamation point in this story?   I guess I can!  The Herbal Husband and I wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Will talk to you later.  Have to go check on the defrosting of the turkey!


  1. HI there! Happy Thanksgiving to you too! We just finished with our 2nd wedding for this month. It was yesterday and turned out so perfect. Now I need to focus on tomorrow's dinner. Gobble gobble.

  2. Hello Nancy! I've been playing catch-up on all your postings that I've been missing! You Christmas Cactus are lovely! Mine bloomed last week... three flowers I believe! I need to repot it, and the one I rescued from my neighbor's that was inadvertently left outside when she went in for surgery last week. NO blooms on that poor thing! I was pleased to read about your black squirrel too! I used to see one on my morning walks on occasion, but it's been a very long time. And your Lemon Verbena is outstanding!!!! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! xox ~Laura

  3. Thanks Laura for stopping by when you are so busy with new grandchildren! A very special time! Yesterday was a wild time on the peanut caddy! I'll will try to write about it soon. xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady