
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

An Herbal Lightbulb Moment-Mexican Mint Marigold in Tea Blends!

Had an herbal lightbulb moment while I was exercising this afternoon.  The Flower Lady and I have been having a discussion about tarragon and tea.  Well, Flower Lady, I came up with the option for you if you want a tarragon flavor in your tea blend, it is Mexican mint marigold or Tagetes lucida.  It dries very well and I used it in my first tea blend!  Duh!  I used it as a highlight.  Sometimes I have so much information in my brain, I can't see the herbs for the trees!  Mexican mint marigold is grown by folks in the south who can't necessarily grow tarragon.  I think it is also easilly grown from seed if you can't find the plant.  I don't always have enough space or time to grow the seeds and I can't always find the plant in western Pennsylvania.  It is becoming more available in our area.  Also I wanted to show you the photo of the book I use as a jumping off point for my tea blends.


  1. And a JOYOUS Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    We're serving our drinks with the last big twigs of our lemon verbena-so I'll think of you.



  2. Our lemon verbena indoors will yield a couple of tea breads for The Herbal Husband! He's thrilled! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I have used the same book many times to create blends for classes. This reminds me that I have a bag of dried lemon verbena, which I harvested from my garden, waiting to be used.

  4. It is a great book Desiree. Thanks as always for stopping by!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady