
Friday, December 11, 2009


It may not be global warming, but something is weird with the weather.  One minute it is 50 degrees and sunny and the next we have tornado warnings in a county north of us.  Then we have thunder, lightning and rain and finally a little snow!  Thank goodness not like Erie to the north of us.  I think they have three feet or more!  Could not do that kind of winter.  Hope you are warm wherever you may be.  Going to see "A Christmas Carol" in 3D this afternoon.  I'll let you know how it is.  More holiday decorating tomorrow!


  1. Weather like that on the prairie as well. And I think the warmth makes the cold that much colder! It was so cold earlier this week but at least we didn't get a lot of snow! (In fact, we got none!)

    Have fun at A Christmas Carol!

  2. It is terrible in many area of the country. I hope you stay warm where you are.

  3. DH and I wouldn't be able to handle the cold and snow. We've lived with heat and humidity way too long. Our temps this past week have been in the high 80's. Not December or Christmas weather at all.

    I finished my little bit of decorating yesterday and it feels good to have that done. I enjoy the color, lights and sparkle on the little tree, and the Nativity/Angel setting.

    Have a lovely Christmas.


  4. Thank you all for stopping by. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. A Christmas Carol was very well done. Jim Carrey was excellent as Scrooge!

  5. I am learning to live in cold and snow. Miss Arizona and my garden.

  6. I don't think I could live without snow and cold, but ask me again in 10 years! Thanks for stopping by Moosh!


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