
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Just One More Donation, Please!

Yesterday was a beautiful day to do some Christmas decorating.  Instead I was doing laundry and minding my own business.  Even though the bike pictured above brings many happy memories of the Jersey shore, I thought it was time that someone else enjoy it.  Also I did not take this bike from the beach, it was purchased many years later at a garage sale.  This bike is great on the boardwalk, on hills, not so much!  I was also a little too tall to ride it comfortably!

Since 2004 Kraynick's Bike Shop has had a bike drive at Christmas and recruits local police stations to collect gently used bikes which they clean up and distribute to needy children.  I called the local police station and they said they were not accepting any more bikes this year!  So to make a long story shorter, we called Kraynick's and the owner told Herbal Husband he would only take it if it were really clean and ready to go!  Well, Herbal Husband spent an hour cleaning and shining and away we went.

The bike shop is not in a great neighborhood and Herbal Husband went to see what was happening.  The shop was jammed with bikes!  Herbal Husband described it as packed.  Jerry told Herbal Husband that he would either give it to a child, he would use it for parts or he would sell it to a collector and use the money for the work he does.  So Herbal Husband and I conferred in the car and decided to leave it with Jerry.  When Herbal Husband took it inside Jerry's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "It's a Breeze!"  He knew right away.  He was pleased with its condition and it could be given immediately!  Herbal Husband was pleased!  We made Jerry and a deserving child happy for Christmas!  Hope you can donate to help this Christmas!  Makes us feel good!


  1. A great story. The bike will make someone happy.


  2. We were so excited that the owner was excited about the bike! It just is a great feeling. Thanks for stopping by Flower Lady!


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