
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Let Me Spend Some of Your Christmas Cash for You!

It didn't get a chance to tell you my favorite herbal purchases ahead of time.  So here they are now that you might have gotten some extra cash for Christmas!  One of my favorite herbal authors is Sharon Lovejoy and she has a new book coming out in a few weeks called Toad Cottage & Shooting Stars.  If you have children in your life, Sharon's early books and this latest one will appeal to the young and old alike.  My favorite books of hers are A Blessing of Toads, her columns for one of my favorite gardening magazines, Country Living Gardener.  Also, Trowel & Error which gives you over 700 shortcuts, tips & remedies for the Gardener.  These are the days when I love to get a cup of tea and curl up with a good book and you will love Sharon's wisdom and illustrations.  She's a gem.  My second choice of herbal authors is Susan Belsinger.  Her latest book is called the creative herbal home co-written with Tina Marie Wilcox chock full of tips and recipes for the herbal home.  Susan has co-authored many books on herbs and the other favorite of mine is Basil An Herb Lover's Guide co-authored with Tom DeBaggio.  It has great information on basil and a lot of delicious and easy recipes.

On to my favorite magazines, The Herb Companion and The Herb Quarterly, they have kept me company for many years and I can read them over and over and always find something new in the herbal world.  So a subscription to either magazine is always a good investment for your Christmas cash.

Finally, my favorite herb and spice company, Penzeys.  We are lucky to have a Penzeys store in Pittsburgh, but the online version is a great way to get recipes and single herbs and spices or combination of herbs and spices in gift boxes.  Hope you had a great holiday and some leftover cash to splurge on a great herbal gift for you!


  1. Great links! I love Sharon Lovejoy and didn't know about her new book coming out, thanks for sharing! I need to renew my subscription to Herb Companion, sadly I let it run out, but now with a new garden to tend to I could really use it again.

    Happy growing in 2010!

  2. good choices nancy:) i bet that little squirrel would ask you to part with a little sunflower seeds with your money! lol

  3. Sharon Lovejoy is a wonderful writer! I just love her. Yes, magazines need our support, Ferne. Thanks for stopping by!

    No, he already has his share of peanuts that The Herbal Husband puts out for the birds! LOL! Thanks as always for your presence, Leslie!

  4. Thank you for sharing the links. I told Hubby that I am adding a few new ones to my list now!

  5. Thanks so much for your kind, kind words about my books, which as you know, are truly a labor of my love for nature and gardens.

    I so love reading your postings. Keep up your great work. I am writing a new post in the next few hours. You're an inspiration!

    Happy New Year,


  6. Happy New Year to you as well, dear Sharon and your family! Thanks for writing such inspiring books!

  7. I have always loved a good spice company. Did not know about Penzeys and they have a location in Dallas. Not convenient for me but I can go there when I visit my sweetie. Thanks.


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Lemon Verbena Lady