
Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Minimalist Christmas!

I mentioned that the minimalist Christmas decorating is happening this year!  The one decoration on this grapevine wreath is a cardinal bell.  We love our cardinals!  We have at least five couples who come and dine with us each day.  I love that both the males and females sing!  Hope your decorating is going well.  Talk to you later.


  1. I love your blue door with that lovely, simple wreath. It makes my heart feel glad and welcome to your home.


  2. Thank you for your kind words, FlowerLady. No matter how much we travel we are always happy to come back to our little cottage. Very much like your little cottage! Now we need to shovel the walk so people can come visit!

  3. I haven't done very much decorating either. I have enjoyed others decorations instead. I will say I have gotten into baking a little especially since it takes the chill off the house.

    It is nice to get out in the snow (I have seen some in my days). Life here would stop if we had that much snow. ;D

  4. Baking does work to take the chill off and you get to enjoy the end product.

    I have enjoyed your enjoyment of other's decorations! Just haven't gotten over to your blog to tell you so!

    Well, my car is still half buried and more snow showers are predicted for tomorrow! Just have to pace myself! ;>}

  5. The gorgeous cardinals are one of the things I really, really miss about living back East. We don't have the beauties here in foggy Central Cali. I do have lots of other little feathered ones that come for meals & a bath. They provide much enjoyment.

    Hope your Christmas was a Merry one!

  6. We love our cardinals. It is just wonderful to watch them come and feed early in the morning and just as the sun or the light of day is dimming. We had a nice quiet holiday. Hope you were a little less hectic, Julie. Take care.


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Lemon Verbena Lady