
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tree Decorating 101 by the Cats!

As most of you know who read this blog on a regular basis, I am allergic to cats.  Cats seem to follow us everywhere we travel.  This cat was Spanish!  So in this holiday season, I will share with you what our friend in Florida passed along to me.  This is the link.  Enjoy!


  1. That's is always the way about people who are allergic to cats....

    why is that..

    and the ladybug was so cute...

    i'll check back later..


  2. Everywhere there are cats, they are attracted directly to me! I have no idea. It's like they have radar! Thanks for stopping by Kary. xxoo Nancy

  3. that was a cute ladybug post also hon.
    cats are perverse like that. the person who least likes them or can be around them, is the one they want to mojo!lol what an absolutely adorable link!lol i got a few cute kitty and tree pics i should dig up to share:) big hugs to you dear nancy xoxo

  4. I babysat children with a Siamese cat and it would not leave me alone! LOL! Yes, share your photos, Leslie! I bet you have some great ones! Thanks for stopping by as always. A big hug for you as well, Leslie!xxoo


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