
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Different Kind of Garden Browsing!

My first sighting of Santa's reindeer!  A little late for the season!  This one was browsing the white pine in the way back.  He had a nice little rack starting.  Click on the picture to see his alien eyes! Always like that feature!  Watch out for this different kind of garden browsing.  You could lose a plant or two.  Fortunately, most plants are covered with snow so they can't pull them out of the ground at the moment!  Hopefully, today will be our last day of cold for a little while!  We definitely need a break!  Talk to you later!


  1. wonderful picture! and so magical for you nancy:) i love those eyes also:)
    big herbal and honey hugs to you dear! stay warm:)

  2. Ok, you KNOW that I wasn't trying to rub in the sunshine. I just wanted to share it!

    I'll admit there are NO REINDEER browsing in my herb gardens, just hummingbirds and some brave honey bees and birds. Island


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  3. I will stay warm with all those hugs you are giving me, dear friend Leslie.

    Thank you so much for sharing the sunshine, Sharon. It has worked! We are finally above normal temperature wise! The icicles are crashing from the roof! Dangerous!


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Lemon Verbena Lady