
Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Great Insulator in the Herb Garden!

I mentioned in previous posts around this time of year that snow is the great insulator!  Look at this feverfew!  Maybe it's difficult to see through the twigs and sticks.  Just click on it to enlarge it!  I was quite pleased to see it, bright green and ready to start growing!  The lavender to the left doesn't look to bad either. 

This is the plant that my friend's daughter is growing for her science project, garlic or Chinese chives growing up through the lavender.  I need to get in my garden in the spring and remove about 80% of the garlic chives because they will take over in the garden!  It is warming up here!  Hope it is warm and sunny wherever you may be!


  1. now you're in wamr and sunny..and i am in pouring RAIN !

    But we need it our here....

    love the photographs...very nice

    more later

    fondly, kary

  2. I love the new photo at the top of your blog! Goooood going! No wonder you have a lot of followers. My sister is trying to get her blog going. I'm recommending she look at yours to see what a great blog looks like. They have a business that is very slow right now. I told her that she needs to make her blog more interesting and it will help in the long run.

  3. Hi Kary,

    We are actually normal temperature wise today. Whoo Hoo! Thanks for stopping by. I need to do more of that. xxoo Nancy

    The herb garden looks different already! Snow is gone! Thanks for the kind words Julie. There are so many more interesting blogs out there. I make it simple because technology for me is a mystery most of the time! Thanks as always for stopping by! Nancy

  4. Hi dear,

    I am so looking forward to visiting in person when I give my talk at Kathleen Gips' event. It will be so much fun!

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  5. Hi Sharon, Looking forward to it as well! Hope it works out. xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady