
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine!

A new year and the same old resolution, lose weight!  So hopefully, with my latest guest blog for The Herb Companion magazine, I will inspire you and me (or is it I?) to eat a bit better (the roast pork recipe is earlier in this blog or at the link above).  For the last several days because it is so cold out, I have been exercising indoors with Leslie Sansone. I have all of her 4 or 5 mile programs.  So it gives me at least an hour's worth of exercise.  She breaks it down into miles and you can do, 1, 2, 3 or all 4 miles.  The tape below started it all several years ago.  I was walking for an hour outside until the ice came and I had to go indoors.  There are a lot of good programs on the market and I lose my motivation quickly, but hopefully we can energize each other.  My goal is at least 20 or 25 pounds!  I'll let you know how I'm doing.  Please do the same.


  1. is warm here and i am having trouble getting the juice up to go embarrassing.....

    How can I find your blog at Herbal Companion, I have loved that magazine for YEARS....

    I'll check back later,

  2. I am getting lots of exercise out in my yard this week because the weather is acting like spring, but I know that is not going to last so I will be checking back here for recommendations.

  3. Hi Kary,
    If you just click on the green part of The Herb Companion in the post, it should take you right to it! If not, let me know and I will send you a link. Thanks for stopping by as always. xxoo Nancy

    Hi Ferne,

    Hope I can be an inspiration for you. I need something inside, because it is so cold and snowy outside. I even like them in the summer, because I can stay in the air conditioning. I really enjoy being able to sleep in! You can do a tape or DVD any time of day. You can also break up the time into 10 minute intervals if that helps. I will be doing at least 30 minutes a day and 60 minutes when I can fit it in. Thanks for stopping by! Take care. Nancy

  4. I treated myself to a new pair of walking shoes last week. Now I just need to put them on & get moving! Thanks for the inspiration as usual..

  5. Well, hopefully we can be inspiration for each other, Julie! I know that exercise is a great stress reliever! Chase those cats and dogs around. That will get you moving and them too!


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Lemon Verbena Lady