
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Lamp Post for the Faeries!

As you know, I have been reading Sharon Lovejoy's new book, Toad Cottages & Shooting Stars.  You should be reading it too.  She inspired me to find items that would be good for a faeries' landscape.  When I was out in my herb garden the other day, I spotted this sunflower and it reminded me of a lamp post for faeries.  A little cold for the faeries to be outside.  Maybe when they are, they will enjoy the sunflower lamp post!


  1. sharon's ideas are so enchanting aren't they? i love all her books! comfrey faerie is hiding in the house with me right now, but she says she would love a lamppost! lol

  2. She is an original, Leslie! I've got to name my faeries! Thanks for stopping by as always. xxoo Nancy

  3. Perhaps the faeries will be able to sit on the sunflower and warm themselves when the sun appears. You never know.

  4. I love Ginger Snap! Kitties are my favorite and I love it when they think they are so sneaky. So funny!

  5. Well, your comment helped Cindy, the sun has returned. Thanks!

    Hi Julie, we have a like/dislike relationship with Kitty/Ginger Snap. When it is keeping the rodent population in check, we like it, but when it is chasing birds, we aren't so happy! Thanks as always for stopping by both of you!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady