
Friday, January 8, 2010

This is Weird but Beautiful!

Just took this picture a little while ago!  Sun in our gray period of winter!  As I have always told you it doesn't happen too often, but we cherish the sun just the same!  Looks like 6 or 7 inches not much by some of  your standards, but enough to make it beautiful.  The Herbal Husband was measuring the snow on the bench.  Hope you are staying warm wherever you may be.


  1. Uh oh, speaking as a dyed-in-the-wool Californian, this looks beautiful beyond belief, but unnatural. Jeff chimes in over my shoulder, "Snow IS natural, Sharon."

    Love the photos.

    My winter is my summer here. I barely garden in the summer when we're in Maine. Just containers and window boxes, but here, I slave every warm day and love every minute of it.

    Harvesting bay leaves, lemongrass, tomatoes, citrus, the last figs, pineapple guavas and strawberries, with a smattering of lettuce.


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes From Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  2. Thanks for writing Sharon! Looking forward to reading your new book! It is so cool that you can garden during our winter. I say whatever works for you, life is too short to waste life! Enjoy your summer.
    xxoo Nancy

  3. Yes, it is beautiful. We got a few inches of snow early in northern Arkansas; none during this last round that hit everybody else. I have to admit that it was beautiful. Now, if only we could do away with this cold.

  4. The cold is brutal, CH! Hope you stay warm. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Lovely winter photos. I do love the glow of the sun in your top photo. As if winter is teasing us saying he has won for the moment.

  6. The sun is shining more brightly today, but the cold has set in. I'll stick the camera out the door later! Stay warm where you are. Thanks as always for your comments, Cindy.


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Lemon Verbena Lady