
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Winter Isn't Winter Without. . .

ICICLES!  Some years they aren't as enormous.  This year everything is worser!  We haven't had a normal day temperature wise yet this year!  The year is still young, but winter gets old quick when it is worse than it's supposed to be!  OK, we are supposed to get a rise in the temperature later this week.  The Herbal Husband and I are counting the days!  Talk to you later!


  1. Those are some scary icicles.

    My boss and I went on a road trip to another nursery yesterday. We saw icicles coming out of the bottom weep holes of the nursery pots. That is scary for us.

  2. This is unbelievable weather! Hope you get warmer soon!

  3. i was just admiring the icicles around me nancy:) sometimes they can look so beautiful:)

  4. Some of them are so long, Leslie! I'm imprisoned in my own house! Not really! Just kidding! The big warm up is coming! You're going to get it first, lucky you! Thanks for stopping, Leslie!


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Lemon Verbena Lady