
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Brighter Skies!

I think sun in the winter landscape is really beautiful!  This was late in the day yesterday.  It may be March before we can use the front door!  I wish I was kidding and more snow is on its way on Tuesday into Wednesday.  We have one little path from the front to the back and that may have to be it until spring!  Yikes!  Hope you are warm wherever you may be!


  1. You can say that again! Let's think lavender instead of snow...Yikes! We have some heading in on Tuesday night here in Massachusetts. Got a hairdryer? :) LOL!!

  2. I hope my lavender survives this! Our shrubbery out front is really smashed down! I wish a hairdryer would help! February may be longer than usual! Oh, too many exclamation points! LOL! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS!!! So much snow, but it is beyond beautiful. Ok, now I know that I need to stay in Maine this year 'til the snow flies.

    Hope you are well and happy.


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  4. And we are getting more tomorrow! Up to 8 inches! More pictures to come! Thanks for stopping by Sharon. xx Nancy


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