
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine!

Well, we are at 40" of snow for the month of February alone!  We usually get that amount for an entire winter season!  The icicles have started melting off the top of the house.  You have to be sure they aren't coming down when you open the back door!  Where is my helmet?  I really don't have one, but maybe I need one for the next few days.  My post for The Herb Companion is about looking forward to planting a spring herb garden, but getting through this winter weather with a few pots of herbs in the house, basement and garage!  Hope you are staying safe and warm wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. That was a great piece you wrote for The Herb Companion. Love your rosemary. Are those hyper-tufa containers I see? (I think that's the word.)

    I hope spring comes soon for you. Your herbs certainly do look healthy for being indoors during this long winter.


  2. I don't envy you with all your snow. Let's hope the melting is kind to all of you!

  3. Hi Flower Lady, Yes, I have several (three) hyper-tufa containers. I would like to get all of them planted this year. They make great faerie gardens. They have been doing exceptionally well this year. I think The Herbal Husband is not watering as much! Thanks as always for your comments. I have to get to reading my favorite blogs! I've been neglecting it!

    I hope so also, Peggy! We are going to be above freezing or close these next few days. I hope the icicles keep melting away gently! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Hello dear herbal friend,

    I tried to post a comment of the HC website, but don' think it went through.

    By and chance to you subscribe to the Philadelphia Enquirer??? Either yesterday or today they had a great story on Toad Cottages and I need a hard copy of the story.



    Sharon (and I am counting on you to go to Kathleen's Faerie Tea in June????!!!)


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady