
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Herbal Bucket List!

I still love to get paper catalogs in the mail.  This is one of my very favorites.   I use it as a reference tool.  It has a lot of good information and it is free for the asking.  Can't get better than that.  I am hoping to get to their greenhouses some day soon!  Richters is just outside of Toronto, Canada.  About 4 hours to drive for us.  If you come through the Peace Bridge entrance for U.S. citizens, you can bring plants into the U.S.  Just be sure to ask for a special invoice to get the plants safely back.  One of the things on my herbal bucket list!  Hope you are safe and warm wherever you may be!  Talk to you later!


  1. and you need to order some wonderful plants from Mountain Valley Growers. They have such great stock and it is easy to receive their plants.

    Sending love,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  2. I will definitely look into that, Sharon! xx Nancy

  3. Herbs have quite a natural tendency to heal ailments.I will definitely take up on your suggestion.Thanks...


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Lemon Verbena Lady