
Sunday, February 21, 2010

He's Baaack!

There he is popping up out of the snow!  It's St. Fiacre or what we sometimes call him, St. Fiasco!  When we are having a bad gardening season, we tend to take it out on poor St. Fiacre!  St. Fiacre is the patron saint of gardeners and Paris cab drivers.  He was originally Irish and sailed the seas to France.  He settled in the region of Brie and had a garden where he healed many.  Cab drivers were called fiacres in the 17th century after the Hotel Saint-Fiacre in Paris.  So spring is just 27 days away!  Think spring!  We just have to get through February.  We haven't had a February like this one for quite awhile!  Hope you are warm and safe wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  


  1.'re getting closer to spring!


  2. Can't come soon enough, Kary! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. The past 3 days have been warmer here and our snow is melting finally. I can actually see the driveway again!

  4. I'm ready for Spring, but March can be really nasty for us. Thanks for posting on my blog.

  5. More gray gray gray and not a flake of snow in our city still. We have been told that it will come but it keeps missing us. We are going to be in trouble big time this summer with our water supply. At this time of the year, usually, Salt Lake City looks just like your photo.

  6. Glad your snow is melting also, Carol.

    March can be interesting here as well, Peggy. Glad we are able to keep in touch.

    Julie, I don't know what to say about your lack of snow. I guess Pennsylvania and the Northeast has it and we would be glad to give it to you to help with this summer's water supply! Honestly we would! Thanks for stopping by, ladies!

  7. and here I thought you were going to be talking about 'old man winter'. Hopefully, he'll stay away!

  8. I think he is coming back on Friday, Nancy! Hopefully the forecasters are wrong! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Unfortunately, St Fiasco's redneck cousins are living under my house and tearing out my insulation! LOL!

    Want some visitors?? We'll pack em up and send them to you! :)

    Spring is coming...maybe one or two more wallops of cold, but it is coming nonetheless!

  10. WOW! I don't think I want them in a box! They sound like they are at home where they are! LOL!


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Lemon Verbena Lady