
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Think I'm Repeating Myself!

It is getting scary outside.  We got four more inches or so.  We are getting close to the 30 inch mark!  Now we are in for high winds and blowing snow!  Haven't had those conditions for a while!  In the neighboring counties are blizzard warnings!  Winter 2010!  A whopper!

I think the arbor is leaning a little more to the right.  It may be down before spring comes!  Hope you are staying warm wherever you may be!  We are keeping our fingers crossed that we keep our power!  Talk to you later.


  1. Woah! Keep warm, keep safe, and enjoy your crazy blizzard!

  2. Just think...snow is good fertilizer! I'm in the same snow boat with ya. It's snowing like crazy and wicked windy as we say here in Massachusetts. Holy moly! I'm so ready for Spring!

  3. stay warm nancy! bet your kitty interloper stays huddled someone else right now! we haven't had snow like that, thankfully. all the big ones seem to be going around us this year. oh, we have had inconvenient ones of a foot or so, but holy moly you all are being buried! hope it stops and you get some sunshine soon:) herbal and honey hugs to you

  4. oh my dear one..i don't know what to say...i have never seen so much snow...

    stay warm and safe and dry, my friend

    sending warmest wishes

  5. Now wait a minute! We're supposed to have that snow over here in Utah. We're not getting it for "The Greatest Snow on Earth". Definitely going to be a super water saving summer and we'll be watching our neighbors to see if they're watering too late in the morning. This is no fun! Remember the old days with the sprinklers running, kids laughing and someone washing their car in the driveway?

  6. WOW! Everyone around here is whining about all of the rain (not me, I LOVE it!). But that is unreal amounts of the white stuff.

    I'm afraid your arbor is definitely leaning more than in the photo from a few days ago. That's a bummer. It's such a pretty site.

    Hope YOU & the Herbal Husband are staying warm1

  7. I thought I responded to some of you yesterday!:( Well, ladies, it has just been depressing. Cat chasing squirrel on the path, arbor isn't going to last until spring and we got our car out again. The sun is supposed to come out tomorrow! Looking forward to that! Thanks all of you for stopping by! I love you all.


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Lemon Verbena Lady