
Thursday, March 4, 2010

72 vs. 2

I can see plants in my herb garden again!  It may be until the weekend until I see more.  We are having a beautiful sunny day except it will be noted in the weather records as a cloudy one!  The title of my post refers to number of sunny days this winter versus cloudy days!  You would be right if you guess two sunny days!  The 'Burgh is not the place to be in the winter.  The Herbal Husband will be checking in from time to time and the blue jays enjoyed the peanut caddy this morning.  The peanuts were gone in short order.  Got a lot more to think about since The Herbal Husband left.  Talk to you later!  P.S.  65 days so far in the year and we have had 5 days of sun!


  1. Not fair! LOL! We're expecting 50's this weekend. This snow better G.O.! Can't wait to get Will's garden going.

  2. Oh yes I was talking about you. We're headed in for the MRI tomorrow, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's just vertigo he experienced.

  3. I'm slowing losing it! I thought I already had a comment and response! Oh, no, a senior moment! LOL!

    50's will be great. I think we have to wait for those! Lucky you!

    Yes, Leslie, I will be glad to see the ground. It is going to be that ugly snow and ground really soon! LOL! Thanks to each of you for stopping by and commenting!


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Lemon Verbena Lady