
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And The Winners Are!

Thank you to everyone who entered my 500th post contest!  You are why I am still writing all of my adventures!  I have a mailing address for Tufa Girl.  I have an e-mail address for Kay'sflowers and I will be writing you shortly, Kay.  Seanymph, S. and Rhonda Dobson , please e-mail me your address information, I will get these notepads in the mail to you all.  I'm still working on yesterday's tag.  The birds are chirping at me to feed them.  This Daylight Saving Time business has me all messed up!  More later today.


  1. Congrats to the winners.

    I will have to think about having a give away on my 500th post.


  2. Sorry you didn't win, Flower Lady! Thanks for your friendship in blogland!

  3. Ive been down with a tummy bug the last few days and just came in and saw Im a winner!! That just made my day. Thank you! You should be getting an email soon so let me know if you dont.

  4. Got it and your package will be on its way tomorrow, seanymph. Take care. Thanks for participating and reading my blog!

  5. That is so sweet! I must go out and by a lotto ticket.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady