
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Can't Believe This is Still Around!

The black squirrel is still around the garden.  It doesn't usually hang around this long.  Maybe it knows The Herbal Husband is not around and I'm a softy!  It is raw, cold and drizzling.  Nice to get some things done inside.  Might go get a cup of tea!  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.

BTW, I'm still waiting to hear from Rhonda Dobson!  Please Rhonda e-mail me your mailing address and I will send you your prize.  You actually won! 


  1. LOL knowing herbal husband isn't around. We had a horrendous lightning/rain, etc. storm last night. It was raining this morning and just a plain nasty/raw day.

  2. Sorry to hear it's still cold and rainy. I have not actually seen a black squirrel. I do have a red one though. He is pretty when the sun shines on him.

    Hope it clears up soon and warms up for ya.

  3. You know, PeggyR, the wildlife knows when they can take advantage of me! LOL! We had lightning all around us, but not directly. It is just one of those raw March days!

    We have red squirrels also, Becca. They are very nervous and frantic! I wrote about the black squirrel last year and thought it may be in disguise! Thanks to you both for stopping by.

  4. I never knew there was such a thing! My son goes on "squirrel patrol" when he sees squirrels stealing birdseed. He will yell out the door or take his musical instruments and hit "play."

  5. No black squirrels here -- we do not like them to feed (Oliver, the Corgi's job is to chase them away) but when it is really cold, we leave them alone!

  6. I will have to get video or audio of The Herbal Husband when he is chasing them! It will leave you speechless! It is a good job for Will. It really looks like a gray squirrel has disguised itself! It is very funny!

    I need to borrow Oliver for a few weeks. I love corgis and I wish we had a dog when the squirrels, cats, etc. are around.

    Thanks Alyssa and Martha for stopping by!

  7. My bf used to feed the squirrels at our old house. They would come almost up to my back door looking for him sometimes. I would call him saying your friends are here and they want to know if you can come out to play lol. Then he would grab a handful of nuts and go feed them. I hated it tho. I was always afraid they would get in my house. I had 3 nests of them in an old house of mine long ago and it was awful. Once they get in they are hard to remove.

    BTW thank you so much. The notepads came today. Just wanted to let you know. I love them. :)

  8. Hi seanymph, Glad the notepads arrived safely and you love them! It's good to make friends happy! When we lived in our apartment, there was a squirrel that would come to the patio door every day to be fed. I was so afraid it would get in somehow! They can be very aggressive! Thanks for stopping by and commenting seanymph!

  9. Love that black squirrel! Although we've had white squirrels in our area, I've never seen a black one. Fun.

  10. I am sure it is in disguise, Nancy! It looks like it has a fur coat on! Always an adventure! Thanks for stopping by, Nancy!

  11. hi nancy! sorry i missed your blog posts lateluy;( been just swamped with family events:) hoping to get a post up tonight. glad to see all is alive and you are having furry visitors. sending you big herbal and honey hugs:)

  12. Hi Leslie, Just wanted to make sure you had a pulse! Sending you a big herbal hug back!


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Lemon Verbena Lady