
Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Do Remember Planting These!

These crocuses I remember planting and they are always a bright spot in the early spring for me.  They look like little irises.  The Herbal Husband may be back from this snow escape next week!  I have nothing done!  Gotta keep this short.  Mailing my winners' their prizes today.  Have not heard from Rhonda Dobson.  Please Rhonda send me an e-mail with your mailing information and I can send out your prize!  Have some things to do this morning.  Will be back this afternoon with my Cheep Room on Thursday!


  1. I'm glad you remember planting them! I do know animals move them around!

  2. Love the color of your crocus.

    It was so nice of you to say such nice things about me and my blog.

    Hope you have a good day.

  3. I think the ones I don't remember planting could be brought by the birds. Sometimes that happens, but we do have a lot of wildlife! Thanks for stopping by, Peggy!

    Thanks Becca. Oh, honey, you are a strong and brave woman and don't ever forget it! I really admire what you have been through! Happy to have you as a friend in this crazy blogworld of ours!

  4. I just moved here and dont even know what is growing all around me yet. So imagine my surprise last month, walking around the side of my house that I rarely see.....and there was a nice clump of crocuses blooming! Now I see daffodils......I love it.

  5. It is really good to wait a whole year to see what may bloom around you, seanymph. I could barely contain myself the first year we lived here! We really had good bones or foundation and we need to reevaluate some choices and some older trees and shrubs need to be revitalized and may be taken out. It is all a wonderful process and when you are at the beginning once again, it is a lot of fun! Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady