
Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Think Hazardous Duty Pay Is In Order!

I heard a thud the other day as I was in the house.  So when I went out to feed the birds, this is what I found.  The ice in the front gutters is finally coming down.  That's the good news and no gutter has fallen either!  More good news!  Really we have been very lucky.  Our neighbors next door lost all of their gutters in the front.  No, they didn't run away, they just fell off the house!  Big repair job.  Still keeping my fingers crossed and you should also!  Here is the last bit of ice and it should come down today with the warmth of the day.  Never a dull moment here!  Off to water the plants.  If you don't hear from me for a day or so, don't worry!  Just kidding!  Getting close to my 500th post!  Stay tuned!


  1. Oh my about the gutters coming down with your neighbors. It happens and with all the ice on them it's not pleasant. We see bits of grass here and there and most of the snow is off the ice is off the roof now. Our dogs go nuts when that happens as it makes a lot of noise!

  2. I'm sure the dogs do get excited, Peggy. Part of the chunk in the bottom picture came off as I was exercising just now. So the other piece should be down by the end of the day. Thanks for stopping by! I need to get over to your blog! It's still a little hectic trying to get everything done!

  3. here too with the ice melt nancy! it was positvely dangerous driving around time with then ice started crashing down from all the telephone and power lines! keep on melting! we are ready for spring!! xoxoxox

  4. Was just out for a walk! It was just another beautiful day here! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady