
Friday, April 16, 2010

Feels Like I Have Been Gone For Awhile!

Half of April is gone already!  The Herbal Husband arrived back in the US with an respiratory illness of some kind.  Always lots of fun.  I didn't get too close!  Haven't gotten sick yet!  He is much better and so is the garden.   Lots of piles of sticks, branches and broken bits.  We lost very few plants, but the broken parts were everywhere.  This is from the left part of the front garden.  It was quite a mess.  We are pretty caught up.  My banner photo is from yesterday.  You see The Herbal Husband's car to the left in the photo, because we are still moving potted plants in and out of the garage until the nighttime temperature has moderated.  Always something!

Julie of Laughing Horse Art has bestowed me with the Zombie Chicken Award.  Thanks Julie for thinking of me.  Sorry I haven't been around to award it to others.  I need to work on my five additional awardees!  Hopefully, I get that done over the weekend.  I will leave you with some of the spring blooms in the garden.  Going out with our friends, Jim and Laverne this evening!  Talk to you later!


  1. you were missed, my friend


    sending love,

  2. Yea welcome back! Hope hubby gets better soon!

  3. Glad to see ya back! The herbs are going crazy here!

  4. glad herbal hubby feels better nancy and back helping you with the garden! lol your banner looks beautiful. i still have to do more in my gardens! yikes! i mean LOTS from winter. i have poison ivy trying to take over the raspberries:( sending you hugs:)

  5. That's bad news when the poison ivy is growing better than the raspberries!;>}Cool here today so I can work indoors! A big hug for you as always!

  6. Yea, Nancy. You're back. I know we all missed you and checked every day to see if the blog posts had changed. I hope your husband feels better. It took me a few weeks to do my awards for the Zombie Chicken. The day I did that I happened to have read about real life zombies in my anthropology class. If you're interested in how they come about check it out on my blog. I found it so fascinating! Things are perking up around her in our garden. My husband and son have put a bunch of plants in the ground. I missed my fresh parsley in the garden-along with all the other goodies. It's so nice to have them back again.

  7. Hi Julie,

    I'll have to make a trip over to read about the zombies before I make my selections! Thanks as always for adding a bright spot to my day! Nancy


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady