
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Going to Have Berries Soon If The Wildlife Behave!

I'm not including The Herbal Husband in the word Wildlife!  Maybe I should! Always exciting in the spring garden to have fruit to look forward to eating!  Strawberry flowers here!   A cool and raw day in the garden but we should be in the 70's by the end of the week.  We have some of the strawberry plants under a chicken wire enclosure because the deer like to browse the plants.  If it's not the deer pulling the plants out, it's the birds pecking the ripening fruit!  We have to be on our toes as usual!  Well, got to move plants inside, frost tonight!  Can't wait to plant!  Talk to you later.  By the way, Happy 13th Birthday to Miss C!  Can't believe you are officially a teenager!


  1. LOL now when did wildlife ever behave?!

  2. Yes, it was a tongue in cheek kind of post! Thanks for stopping by, PeggyR!


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Lemon Verbena Lady