
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Got Back Some Herbal Space!

In the space where there once was tansy is now the basil (lemon, cinnamon and sweet) bed with the lemon verbena that was in the house for the winter.  The lemon verbena has come back nicely since being attacked by white flies.  I think I will put the lemon verbena in the garage this coming season.  I think it will stay dormant and have better air circulation.  Some seasons our lemon verbena holds its leaves and actually gets a little stronger.  That's what happened this past season.  We went to Florida for a week and came back to a bonanza of leaves and then it struggled through the winter on a windowsill.  It is doing just fine now.  I'll be making lemon verbena bread soon.  The Herbal Husband's favorite.  Here is the recipe if you would like to make it as well.  I'll be able to monitor the basil as well and make jelly and salads when necessary.  We got the new kids planted today.  We'll take a break tomorrow since it is supposed to be in the high 80's.  Too hot to work.  Hope you are having a great weekend wherever you are.


  1. I've yet to plant my basil -- been too chilly but my lemon verbena is growing nicely after a winter indoors. I must try your bread recipe -- so nice for a summer tea!

  2. Looks great my mint has taken over!!!

  3. i just planted tansey for the first time last year. i got so nervous from all your descriptions of it being a bully i moved it! lol hoping it does come back at least

  4. Nancy, often when I see your photos I think, "Now that's a painting!" So many would make beautiful ones. I just can't help myself! I see paintings I want to do all the time.

  5. Thanks ladies for your comments!

    I think you will like the lemon verbena bread recipe, Martha.

    Missy, my mint has taken over in parts of my garden. Just keep pulling!

    Just keep on top of it, Leslie! The tansy won't get overgrown like it did for us!

    Thanks for your kind words, Julie. I would like The Herbal Husband to do some watercolors of our garden before he gets too cranky! LOL! Hopefully it will happen!

  6. Oh, just give him a kiss and squeeze and I bet he'll do one for ya!

  7. Not that I haven't thought of it, but it just may work! Thanks for the thought!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady