
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine!

If you are seeing damage like this on your herbs, you may have the bug that I have been dealing with for years now.  Unfortunately, this bug likes members of the mint family!  Here is the damage on my oregano.  Check out my guest blog for The Herb Companion entitled Herbal Pests:  The Four-Lined Plant Bug.  Hopefully, it will help you fight off this herbal pest!  Very hot here.  You know the saying when it's hot, buy more plants!  I just made that up.  I'll show you the new kids in the coming days.  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later!


  1. Well I had a small bug in here, but I think it's finally gone, so now I can get back to crafting. We've been in the upper 80s and so I have not done much outside except water.

  2. We have been watering also. Was weeding because the weeds are growing faster than the other plants! We just got some rain! So hopefully, it will cool down just a bit! Thanks as always for stopping by, Peggy! Have a great weekend!

  3. My lemon balm always gets a nasty visit - now I know what to look for and how to handle it. We also have weigelas near by. Thank you for the informative article.

    Just found a "Golden Rain" Rosemary at a nearby greenhouse. New to me - are you familiar with it? It is quite attractive with such fine leaves that are densely packed along the stem & have a hint of gold.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. Yes, I have had 'Golden Rain' every so often. It tends to lose the gold in the second season if you get that opportunity. I remember taking one indoors for the winter and not having much success. I have learned that our garage is a great place for a lot of our herbs including rosemary. We got our prostrate rosemary through the winter in good shape! I'm planning on putting our lemon verbena there this winter, because ours was attacked by white flies. Thanks for your comments! Enjoy 'Golden Rain' it is a beautiful plant.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady