
Monday, May 17, 2010

A Little Friend in the Garden!

Like PeggyR of My Affairs With Art & Daily Life, I found my little friend as we were planting the scented geranium bed the other day.  He has the perfect toad cottage under the Sedum 'Autumn Joy.'  You'd better click on the photo to see a better view.  Our friend is much smaller than PeggyR's but it is still exciting!  It's all good when you have toads in your garden!


  1. Aren't they the cutest thing. I will need to find Thomas as he is quite a bit bigger. But I think initially they start out to be maybe a half inch in size...tiny! I darn near step on them!

  2. They are just amazing and I love to see them in the garden. He is very well disguised. Almost missed it! Thanks for stopping by ladies!

  3. I had to search for him! Last year the one I had was as big as my fist!

  4. We had one that big last year also. This one is tiny in comparison. Thanks for stopping by Donna!

  5. I just don't see toads or frogs any more! We used to them all the time but things have changed. I'm glad you have some of the funny little guys in your garden. They're so cute!

  6. you are lucky to have a garden toad!

  7. Is that because of global warming, Julie? I hope not!

    Yes, Susan, hope we find more over the season. This was a tiny one. Hope we find bigger ones later! Thanks for stopping by, ladies!

  8. yes yes! toads are a blessing...when the kids find them I tell them to put them in MY garden (the neighbors don't know about frogs in a garden)LOL Happy to have found you!

  9. I'm happy you found me too, Wendy! Our neighbors don't quite get it either! They are very cute when they are so little!


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Lemon Verbena Lady