
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Planting Day for the Scented Geraniums!

Always happy when we plant this bed.  Got some great scented geraniums including Old Fashioned Rose, Chocolate Mint, Frensham, Variegated Rose, Apple, Nutmeg, Staghorn Oak, Rober's Lemon Rose and Lemon Crispum to name a few.  Will give you some closer shots later in the week.  Going to plant other herbs tomorrow.  Think we have turned the corner as far as frost possibilities!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.


  1. I love scented geraniums! I need to get some! I've been busy planting today. Hope you have too!

  2. Yes, we had a busy planting day. Hopefully, only one more cool night and we can plant everything else including the basils! Thanks for stopping by Peggy.

  3. I love the scented geraniums but mine are always planted in pots rather than in the ground. They grow very well outdoors here.

  4. Oooo. I can smell them from here!

  5. Chocolate mint geraniums, wow! I would be afraid to plant them only because I am afraid I would eat them when no one was looking!

  6. We have three scenteds in pots as well Martha. They need to be trimmed well, because by the end of summer they will be huge!

    I think the scents are so wonderful as well, TG!

    They are pretty amazing plants and so much fun to grow, but they aren't hardy for you or me! I just have to keep coming up with ideas to preserve them or enjoy them.

    Thanks for stopping by ladies!


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Lemon Verbena Lady