
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Climbing Graham Thomas in the Garden!

I must start this post by saying that this is not a climbing rose typically .  In our garden, it appears that Graham Thomas has become a climber. Graham Thomas is a David Austin rose.  This year it survived the February snow and it is fighting to stay above the shrubbery.  So tall I need a stepladder to cut it!  It has many, many blooms and if all goes well, it will bloom until the frost comes in fall.  It has a beautiful scent of tea to it.  Hope you have a beautiful rose to clip and smell in your garden.  We were very soggy today.  We have had enough rain.  The heat of summer can start, please!

I just want to send my prayers to one of my favorite extension educators who lost her sister in a tragic truck accident yesterday.  Also I want to send prayers to the Reppert sisters' dad, Byron.  He broke his hip this week and is in a Reading hospital.  Get better soon, Byron!


  1. I am smiling at this post because I went through a David Austin 'thing' back in one of our previous homes :-) I swear I carried "Reliable Roses" with me all summer.....coddling my faves 'Evelyn' and 'Zephirine Drouin'
    thanks for reminding me!

  2. You're swearing again, Wendy! Is it my blog that's making you swear? It's OK. I won't tell! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for visiting me today at Delights of the Heart. Next week I will focus on one more herbal lady.

    Graham Thomas is one of my favorite roses, it is blooming beautifully in our garden right now. I isn't climbing though.

  4. Your blog is wonderful, Marilyn. Looking forward to reading it again. Yes, Graham is a favorite of mine as well. Thanks for stopping by.


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Lemon Verbena Lady