
Friday, July 9, 2010

600th Post! It Better Be A Good One!

Well, it's a great giveaway!  Lots of you are multi-talented.  I bought these little buttons for some reason a few years ago that I really can't remember now!  Herbal senior moment!  They range from 3/4" to 1" in size.  Click on the photo to make a bad photo a little worse or better!  Everyone who comments from now until next Friday, July 16th at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time will be entered to win.  No matter what day you comment on from today onwards until next Friday.  Please give me a contact if you do not have your own blog!  Thanks.  Made two more batches of raspberry jam this morning!  Just an incredible year for the raspberry.  I think someone upstairs feels bad about losing our grapes!  Good luck!  Talk to you later!


  1. Thank you for the info about the night blooming jasmine...will add that to my growing list for 2011! You are getting me into all kinds of fun mischief for gardening next year.
    Congratulations of your 600th post - that is quite an achievement. I just passed my 100th so a loooonng ways to go yet, thought I have been thinking about a giveaway too!

  2. Wow 600 posts...look at you!!!! Congratulations!!

  3. You sure do keep yourself busy...600 post all those jams and jelly and not to mention all the other things you are constantly doing.
    It is a good year for raspberries!!! I'm off to pick some as soon as I tear myself away from this computer.

  4. Hi Nancy,
    I've been busy making jams also. Strawberry and Raspberry. If its mixed we call it Straspberry. I can hardly keep up with mine much less think about 600 posts! You are one busy lady. Congrats!


  5. 600 and 600 more things for us to learn about herbs - thank you for all your wisdom LVL! (I spy a birdhouse!)

  6. cute little buttons! Raspberries are looking great here too....just love that jam when then the snow is thick on the garden.

  7. Picked raspberries and wild black berries yesterday. Made up some batches of syrup for flavoring iced teas and froze them into ice cubes. Hopefully will get some jam made today or tomorrow.

  8. Oh I love these buttons! How sweet. And the respberry jam muffins sound yummy too. I just found out I may have some raspberries growing in my woods here. I know I have blackberries and Oregon grapes. I might even have a sour cherry tree. Not sure yet. Sure is fun finding out whats growing at my new house.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady