
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Decorating the Herb Garden!

Came home the other day from some errands and The Herbal Husband was busy decorating my garden!

I get a little lazy this time of year and just try to coast.  Sorry in the heat I lose my way!  We were having our friends LaVerne and Jim over for a visit.

So no matter how late in the season it is, you should have a few decorations around the garden!   Hope you had a great day!  Talk to you later.


  1. Love the new "DECOR" the heat has become rather oppressive. Had to force ourselves out today to mow and weed whack. Waited till the sun was behind the trees so it wouldn't be so hot. I have a ton of new plants that have to go in the ground and it's just to darn hot to try and do it.

  2. Does your dear Herbal Husband make house calls?? :o)
    With the humidity and warm temps I have avoided being out in the garden except for quick harvests...everything is showing that lack of attention. Simply must make the effort tomorrow...your photos have inspired me!

  3. HI Nancy! I haven't been around much. Too busy with work but had to drop in here. It feels like home and I like that.

  4. I love garden decor. Your signs are really neat and the bird bath sweet. You sure have some wonderful looking herbs.


  5. I totally agree. However first you have to have a garden lol. Mine still isnt built but the area is cleaned and torn out and ready for it. Meanwhile I decorate the porches.... I have to express myself somehow! :)

  6. Thanks ladies for stopping by and for the positive feedback. The Herbal Husband is a very shy guy so I don't think a house call is possible, Pat! Sorry! He really is why my garden looks good. Although I was out for an entire afternoon working in my garden and he was stunned! He was trying to get me to go back in the house! It was funny!

  7. Hi Nancy,

    I'm trying to catch up on my visiting.

    I am the same way once the temperature rises - the plants get watered and harvested (for the most part) and that's about it. Come cooler weather I'll be more productive out there :)

  8. Really I coast in the ickies and stickies! Thanks for stopping by, Julie!


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Lemon Verbena Lady